My Paris | L'Eclair De Genie

It was a long time coming before I could make it to the famous L'Eclair de Genie...Well, in retrospect to my entire life, I suppose. Once we got to Paris, we were there within 72 hours. Since then, we've been back, well....more times than I'd like to admit.

I love these pretty little things...and dream in the Vanille et Noix de Pecan. It's, by far, the best eclair I've ever tasted. And, hey, when you're in France, that's exactly what you want to have.

Flavors rotate out seasonally, but there are typically some classics that stick. Don't go for a cheap treat, as they are around €5 a piece for a gorgeous-yet-small eclair. Go for a taste of something truly special or a treat for someone that you really fancy.

It also makes a great dessert after a falafel from it's lovely neighbor, L'As du Falafel.

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For more of my Paris recommendations, check here.


*photography by Noah Darnell