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“When a man is tired of London, he’s tired of life.” - Samuel Johnson

That is a famous quote that all Londoners smugly spout off, but, can I be honest with you for a second, sometimes by the time the weekend comes around, we are often itching to get out of the craziness of the city and into some place a bit slower.

On those weeks, we hit the road in our old, trusty Volvo and head for the unknown. (Or well, you know… less well known than London.)

Cotswolds, coastal towns and country manors… you’ll never guess where Google Maps may takes us. Here are some of our favourite escapes that you can do- some by rail and all by car. And most are great day trip options from London for families, too!

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England Travel Guide

London & England almost need to be considered two different travel destinations. While London offers all that a giant bustling world city can offer, there is something to be said for those quiet, sleepy English towns and their glorious high streets dotted with local cafes and independent boutiques.

And, to make it easy for you, those somethings-that-should-be-said can be found right here in my England guide.

browse the GUide→
