You're Not As Big {Or Small} As You Think

 I recently went to a party for bloggers

here in London.

It was a fancy party

 in a gorgeous venue

full of pretty people

hugging each other

and catching up over pretty drinks...

and I knew, like, no one.

I had a small handful of friendly faces,

but as people began to talk shop

and discuss other blogs & other events,

I kept laughing to myself.

I had


idea who anyone was

or what any of the events were

that people were talking about so naturally.

I mean, I started to question if I was actually a legitimate blogger.

{Even though calling myself a "blogger" has always made me cringe.}

As I sat at the bus stop

on the way home,

I clicked through twitter

and saw that a guest post I had written

had gone live

 and had been linked from a blogging friend

who has a really cute new blog.

As I read her introduction to my blog,

she referred to me as a "major blogger."

And it got me thinking.

{Oh no. Here I go again.}

Benjamin Franklin Quote & Enamel Sign: $28

Here I was in the middle of feeling like a nobody

and, also, feeling pretty good about myself.

Could I actually be both?

I think the answer is... yeah, we can.

I think that most of the time it is easy

to lean one way or the other:

we feel pretty important at some moments

and totally insignificant in others.

We get over-inflated by people who like us, 

and then deflated by others who don't notice us.

Especially in blogging

when the number of followers

and posted comments is consistently present.

You get more "likes" than others on a picture. Plus one.

Someone else has a big time blogger comment on their post. Minus one.

Back and forth it goes.

But I have to tell you, 

and I can say this with a lot of certainty after 3 years of blogging....

None of it really matters.

Blogging is so fun. 

I've made some of my best friends

through this crazy hobby.

The relationships are amazing...

but if you aren't finding yourself here

or making those relationships,

it's really okay.

Instead of going out and searching for new relationships

why not foster the ones that you already have?

Give attention to the people that already like you

and start forming deeper relationships with them.

Because you'll never be the biggest fish in the pond in blogging,

sorry- it's true. 

The Pioneer Woman, Naomi & Cup of Jo have already won that title.

But you can be a really big deal to someone else.
