Beginner's Manual For Staying In A {French Manoir}
When our friends, Anthony & Kellee, planned a trip over here,
we wanted to do something that would get us out of the city...
so I started combing through the interwebs for private home rentals in France.
There were some amazingly gorgeous places out there- for about €12,500 a week.
They looked like the place where Eva Longoria + Tony Parker got married,
making them completely amazing... and totally unaffordable.
Somehow I hopped around the internet and found this place:
It was €200 a night for the entire, three bedroom home.
We emailed the link back & forth wondering if it was too good to be true.
Well, thankfully we went for it.
And when we rolled through the main gate together,
we realized we had, indeed, hit the jack pot.
Ladies & Gentlemen,
I present to you
{Commonly confused with "the best place on earth.}
I can't recommend it more.
There are three residences within the property...
we stayed in the larger of the three.
Next time we'll be back to enjoy the pool!
Beyond the gorgeous setting in Saumur
and the amazing home you'll enjoy,
you'll also get the privilege of meeting Stephen & Bruce,
the proud owners of this glorious manoir.
Between their pasts as a private chef (Bruce) & butler (Steven) for a high-profile household,
you are pretty much guaranteed an amazing stay.
Bruce Riedner, Chef Extraodinaire. Bruce's spice rack (shown below).
But while you are in the midst of being pampered by these two dear American ex-pats,
you'll also feel like you've become a part of their family.
Between Stephen sharing his knowledge of the best area croissants,
Bruce pointing you in the direction of burgers topped with foie gras,
and being invited into their own home to see recent renovations,
you are going to hate leaving these two as much as le Manoir.
If you are planning to visit France,
I hope you'll consider the quick trip out of Paris
into the gorgeous countryside of the Loire...
Forget needing to see the famous Chateaux & Wineries,
you need to go just for the experience of staying here!
I'd love to introduce you to our new friends at the Manoir...
or if you contact them, tell them you came via Aspiring Kennedy.
They'll take good care of you. :)
*If you'd like to see pictures of the kitchen, read my post here.
*All images original to Aspiring Kennedy