Unlocking the Mystery Trip!
He did it.
He really did it.
Tyler scored an A+ on his Mystery Trip planning.
He met all of three unspoken rules I had passively given him:
1. A place that is awesome.
2. A place we had never been to together.
3. A place that would melt away my stress.
Yes, he really did it.
We woke up at 4am,
hopped a taxi to a shuttle
which drove us out to the airport,
took a plane to Milan
where we rented a car
and drove out to Lake Maggiore in Northern Italy.
When I saw the ticket for Milan,
I felt a wave of relief.
I've been needing to feel relaxed in the way only Italy can make me.
In three words:
I'm in heaven.
Want to join our little vacation?
Take a peek through our trip...
afterall, three's company.
Our trip... in three words or less.
He did pretty good, right?
Well, at least I'm happy.
Wishing relaxing contentment to all of you!
{Bonus Points will be assigned for all comments made in three words or less! }
*all images original to Aspiring Kennedy