The Littlest Angel
Sorry for the quiet week.
We've been spending some time in the country
with our dear friends...
it's been such a sweet week, as I'm sure you can imagine.
I'll tell you all the tales of gorging ourselves, castle visits & whatnot soon,
but today, I'm in the Loire Valley feeling a million miles away from "home."
My grandma was 4'10'',
and had ten children in 11 years...
seven boys at the beginning & three girls at the end.
She sang like a bird,
ate more candy than might seem humanly possible,
and was definitely the genetic pool that my sarcasm was laddled out of.
Her name was Viola,
and, if you knew her,
you would have liked her.
you would have liked her.
For those of us that did know her
and have the privilege to have skimmed some of her unique DNA,
we're really going to miss her.
and have the privilege to have skimmed some of her unique DNA,
we're really going to miss her.
Thanks for allowing me the opportunity
to share someone so unique and special on my blog.
It may feel like a travel blog or lifestyle blog most days...
and it probably feels like a digital diary of making out pictures of us at times, too.
I don't really know how to label this blog...
except as a reflection of my life
and I can't skip a day like today
without including this moment here.