Bucket List #31: Visit Mont St. Michel

You can't visit Normandy 

without a stop by Mont St. Michel...

I mean seriously, this place is striking in a way unlike any other.

{Editor's Note: Which is why we all have it pinned to our travel board on Pinterest.}

While I was driving, I glanced over and, unexpectedly, saw it on the horizon.

There it was with the sun sitting directly over it.

I completely flipped out.

It looked more like a fairy tale than anything I've ever seen.

I'm not being dramatic here,

I'm being factual.

As we passed the signs pointing us to the landmark,

I was acting like a child.

I was squealing and jumping up & down in my seat as I drove...

it was awkward and weird all at the same time.

As we reached the long drive up to the famous abbey,

the sun was setting and it seemed like a perfect moment in time.

I was flooded with the reminder that this world has SO many great things in it.

In every corners of the earth,

there are stunning things.

Some that are natural (like the Canary Islands),

some that are manmade (like Norway's Ice Hotel),

some that are iconic (like the Taj Mahal),

some that are overlooked (like Civita Di Bagnoregio)...

How lucky are we

to live in a world with this many treasures!

*ps. we returned the next morning for a second look. hence, the second set of daylight pictures.

**all images original to Aspiring Kennedy. Please source accordingly.