Monday Moods: I feel... hot.

This week, we've been experiencing
 a heat wave here in London.

It's hot.
It's summery.
It's bright.

And, honestly,
it's really confusing.

I mean, 
it is also October.

What the heck? 

It's mid-80's here, people.

I don't have clothes for this,
and it's turning the city a little crazy.

Everyone is acting like it's spring break.

On Saturday we walked the city 
with (two different sets of) friends.

While we were on these happy treks,
we witnessed a lot of atypical London activity.

People were swimming in the Thames
in their jeans and shoes...

People jamming out on the river bank
in their swim suits...

People were performing random acts of art...

People were strewn about the embankment
wearing nothing but their pasty skin...

Beyond our time along the Thames,
we found the city streets as affected, too.

The parks were jammed with people...

(two of which were us)

Or they were crowding patios to enjoy the al fresco dining opportunity...

(13 of those diners were our Oxford gang at Laduree...

to send off the Smiths before their flight to NYC)

and, generally, Londoners were just enjoying 
the city's sites void of cloud cover
& glowing with sunshine.

The temperatures are dropping mid-week.

In fact, we'll be heading into low-60's
by Wednesday...
but while it was here,
our "summer" was pretty grand.

Welcome to October!

*all images original to Aspiring Kennedy