Snow Shutter Speed

Once upon time,
 a giggly freshman girl
 entered her first accounting class.

She sat on the front row.

Until the second day-
when she moved to the top row 
by two cutest boys in her class.

Over time, she taught them novel tricks like how to text message,
 and they kept her up to speed on what would be on the test.

After a few years,
they all graduated.

**The End.**

I'll tell you a secret, that is a true story about me!

{what? oh... you could tell?}

The two boys I sat by were Grant & Aaron.

Grant went on to become one of my best friends,
and a blogger named Cashmere Cowboy.

Aaron soon graduated and became a famous wedding photographer.
He can be seen on Style Me Pretty,  tweeting on location around the globe...
oh, and rocking the blog world with these Valentine pics of his son, Sam.

Over Christmas, Aaron kindly offered to take my portrait,
and before you could say "quantitative analysis," I was in. 

{Note to self: ALWAYS sit by cute boys in class.}

I love the way Aaron captured me during the sitting.

A little disheveled,
simple, & happy.

Because the bottom line is-
that's pretty much who I am.

If you like feeling pretty & cool-
{and who wouldn't?}

He's incredibly talented at wedding photography,
...and he's pretty darn good at portraits, too.

True Story.

{Did you notice Aaron is a new underwriter of Aspiring Kennedy? I'm couldn't be prouder!}