To Rabbie Burns!

If you had driven through to the Oxfordshire countryside this evening, you might have passed a cozy house with a table full of happy people in the window. Those people might have been having a Robert Burns dinner  of haggis, neeps, & tatties. { "neeps" = turnips / "tatties" = potatoes}

And they would have been having a grand time.

My friend, Ali, put on amazing evening....complete with a Scottish brogue to welcome the haggis. and the single malt whiskey at the end of dinner. Haggis as it turns kind of tasty. Next time though, I'll be opting for the veggie version made of lentils!

Robert Burns is a famous Scot poet who you might know as the author of your favorite song of each new year, “Auld Lang Syne.”

I love this version of the song that I first saw on Sex & The City....

Cheers to Rabbie Burns! {as the Scots will call him...}