Cut the Cheese- A Dirty Confession.

I can promise you:
things are about to get uncomfortable.

You may change your opinion of me,
but today I realized, 
I've been keeping something from you.

Something that seems like a lie 
for you not to know:

I don't like cheese.

{In fact, I think it's pretty gross.}

Aesthetically, it's fantastic.

What's better than a cheese board with some pretty wine beside it?

But you get that bleu cheese near me
... and it will get awkward.

And the scariest of all the cheeses?

 The gooey, white layer congealing upon bread...
{white pizza, croque monsieur, & the vilest offender: the stuffed crusted pizza.}

But if you like it- 
Eat away!
Dunk your food on into that silky fondue... 

I don't care. I'm happy for you.

Just don't take it personal when I pass up your famous cheese log at the Christmas party.

Anyone else there with me? 
 I think I may be alone on this one...