Happy (UK) Mothers Day!


I don’t have eloquent and sappy words to fill this post out tonight. It’s late, I’m so tired from a bad night of sleep last night, and tonight, I’m up way too long fighting the battle of lice that has once again come to our house. I’ll be honest and say that nit-combing school-aged children wasn’t a life skill that I was expecting to master. 

Do they give out trophies for that anywhere? If so, I’ve found my sport.

But here I am, crawling in to bed, as I do most nights, just after midnight when I feel I can’t keep my eyes open for another second. I know the alarm clock (or child climbing on me) will come too early, but just know, little babes, before I close my eyes and start to sleep....

You are my dream.


Amidst the sleepless years of chasing through parks and changing diapers in the patches of playgrounds, I couldn’t be happier to be here with you.

Thank you for being patient with me and waking up each day with more love for me than I know how to handle. Or appreciate.


I’m going to fail you a lot- more often than I get it right, it sometimes seems, but I’m trying. And while you may not get a perfect mom, you’ve got one that goes to bed each day exhausted for giving this gig all I’ve got. Most of my waking energy, my scheming for tomorrow, my thoughts... they’re for you. 

And I mean, how could I not be crazy for a gaggle of babies like you three? I’m the luckiest mom/mum there ever could be. Love you each so very much! 


Happy Mother’s Day to all the other moms pouring it out every day as you raise little ones and big ones. 

And for those that are missing children on this day, your love for those sweet babies is not forgotten. I hope this day makes you feel reminded that you are very much, in every sense of the word, a mother to a sweet child. Your love for them initiated you into this club long ago, and once you’re in- you can’t ever be kicked out. 

*images original to Aspiring Kennedy