Paris | Week 1

Our first week in Paris is in the books. Our students are here, we are settled in our new/temporary apartment, and life is rolling on. In the midst of work and family life, we are dutifully shoveling brioche down our throats as much as possible. 

And Tyler and I have even been able to spend some nice time together in the midst of it all. Wandering along the Seine in the middle of day together, we'll find ourselves hugging the other and savoring the sweet moments alone in a city we love. What adventures the two of us have had!

Yesterday, we had a choux pastry cooking class at La Cuisine Paris. In the midst of an amazing time making eclairs, we looked out and sad the biggest, chunkiest snow falling out the window over the Seine and Ile St. Louis. Considering I nearly left the house in a JCrew t-shirt two hours before, I can only explain the change in weather as: "bizarre."

One of my former students that we love has come to stay with us this spring. She's helping with the kids during the day, and it's been so nice. Plus, it has been so fun to have another girl around the house to watch Fuller House with each night and laugh at hilarious SNL skits. (How had I never seen this Kristin Wig one? I live under a rock, I tell you.)

Plus, she lets me force her into taking pictures pretending to be a Joni Mitchell album cover. Complete with a napkin cigarette. I'm never letting her leave us. 

Last night after the kids went bed, Tyler & I snuck out for a little dinner out at our favorite place. Sadly, the place has become so... not charming. It was sad to come back to "our" place to see it was so full of tourists. The food was really blah and the service was terrible. All night, we sat there hoping to get a glimpse of the place we once loved with the arrival of a perfect dish to our table or a conversation with a charming waiter that would rekindle the flame... but it never happened. It was like waiting for an old friend to show up in a crowd, but you never recognize the familiar face you are hoping to see. We walked out of there and walked home a bit sad at the reality that our history of dates there was at an end... but with the determination to find a new place that would be our "new" spot. 

It reminded me how fast these cities can change... recommendations and advice for travel has such a short shelf life. With that in mind, I'm working hard to update and add some really good new places for the Paris travel guide, so that the places I recommend can lead you to places that will help you make great memories. Rather than just "meh" ones like we experienced last night.

So... we are officially back on the market. We are looking for our Parisian soulmate- in the form of a cozy restaurant- that we can have a serious fling with over the months come. Anyone want to play matchmaker for us? What's a great date spot we should try in Paris!

*images original to aspiring kennedy