Jumps and Leaps... and Life in Between.


This the first blog entry that I have written in a month. A month! At first, I was too busy to care. Then I was stressed because I hadn't blogged, but didn't have time with finishing my dissertation and starting my fall semester for work. After that, I forgot that I hadn't blogged and got addicted to Snapchat (@aspiringkennedy). And then I got to a moment of rest, I started to wonder if I actually wanted to just walk away from blogging completely. I had lived an entire month without it and... and? Well, life was the same.

But here I am. Back! Tyler says that starting a blog is like asking for a puppy for Christmas. You think it's all fun and cute... but eventually the newness wears off and the day-to-day responsibility sets in. Ha! But it is kind of true. I have been blogging for five years. While my life is not really tied to my blogging identity (promise!), it does have a lot of big moments of my life recorded here. And it's introduced me to you guys, too.

I can live without blogging, but there are some big values that I see that come from it. Tucking my memories away somewhere other than my brain. Articulating what is good and bad and sweet and hard about the stages of life you are in at the moment. Connecting with other people that can weigh in and cheer you on or give you new perspective or, in small doses, critique you when you may need it.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is.... Blogging is still something I want to invest my time in for now.

While I may not be going anywhere, I have been LOTS OF PLACES over the past four weeks. Life has been full. Every night I lay in bed and feel like I somehow did it. I got my booty kicked all day from start to finish trying to juggle it all... but it happened. 

Jet lag from the US. Upper respiratory infections. Twice. Iceland sans Tyler, but with the help of my sister, Brooke. Finishing my dissertation while traveling in Iceland. Returning to London to teach/direct my semester. 

Which is where I'm at now. Working most days. Being with the kids the moments in between classes and museums. It's all good. It's busy, but it's life. So many of us are feeling something similar- aren't we? It may not be the constant hustle between different locations like me, but your roles in life tear you into a squillion places and pieces, too.

So cheers to us, people. We are doing it. Keeping up with the hustle. Doing good. Pouring ourselves out for something bigger than us. While not always be glamorous (please- don't be fooled by IG. I cleaned toddler poop off my favorite duvet tonight. Gagging/weeping all in the same breath.), the things that we're investing in are worth the endless drain of our time and attention.

Keep up the good work. Get distracted by the busy times in life and forget about the online games... just you know, remember to come back to us when you can. ;)





*photography by Ashel Parsons... who is just as kind and sweet as she is talented.