Our Weekend in Paris | Top 8 Moments in Pictures.


Because a picture can say 1000 words...and because black & white pictures say it even better, here are the top eight moments from our weekend in Paris.


1. MINNIE MOUSE | Viola shocked us all when she stripped out of her normal shy exterior and bolted to Minnie. She hugged her, kissed her, and told her she was "TWO." I don't think Tyler & I have enjoyed watching anything more than that moment in a long time. It was so cute.

2. OUR FIRST DAY | We woke up at 4, took the train to Paris, dropped our bags at the flat... and went out to explore. We should have been exhausted and ruined from the drizzle, but we were too excited to care.


3. FAMILY PICTURES | To be honest, this wasn't actually that fun or easy. It was raining buckets all day, we had our big stroller to deal with and there were tourists everywhere. But we did get to hang out in Le Palais Garnier with Stacy Reeves (photographer extraordinaire and our good friend) and have lunch together afterwards. (This photo was taken by her. More to come!)


4. PARENTS DAY OUT | After brunch, we hit the park. The kids play together. The parents chat on the benches. Win-Win.


5.. HANGING OUT WITH TYLER | Fine, this isn't a particular moment, but getting to be less distracted by life for a few days and just hang out with him was nice. I really do like living life with him.


6. LE CAFE | We spent a lot of hours in cafes: sipping espresso and laughing hysterically when Viola would tell the waiters "Mershy."

7. THE MORNINGS | Because it is hard to beat pastries, La Fermiere Yogurt and fresh coffee with a view out your window of the Paris streets.... all topped with the absence of an alarm clock. 


8. FAIRE LE BRUNCH | Sunday morning, we had brunch at one of our favorite places, Cafe St. Regis. The casually cool atmosphere, custard-drenched french toast (le pain perdu) and view of Notre Dame make this place a "must" for us. Note: brunch is only on Sundays, after 10am.



I'd say I was missing Paris, but this gorgeous spring weather in London is suiting me just fine. I'm happy to stay here and enjoy the sweet memories we made.





*all images original to Aspiring Kennedy