Voodoo Donuts: A Little Bit of Magic

Apparently, donuts are cool now. When I first saw posh donuts appearing on Instagram, I was a big skeptic. I had a really hard time believing that any maple-bacon creation could hold a candle to my $0.49 Daylight Donut. Besides, it's a fact of life that donuts should be eaten from a plastic tray covered with wax paper and with boxed chocolate milk... not on china casually styled beside hydrangeas and an Anthro mug of coffee.

Earlier this summer, I went to Denver with Tyler (yes, via the flight from hell) to visit his sister, Tara. We had a great time hanging out with them, watching our kids play together and eating tons of great food. Tara knows of my passion for sugar-enrobed fried bread to start the day, so she was eager to take us to the famed Voodoo Doughnuts

I'll be honest... I was excited and I was nervous. I mean, trying to doll-up something so pure and wonderful is dangerous ground, and I was worried that what I could normally pay pennies for would be marked up to a price that really offended me. 


But when we went, I have to say: I saw the magic that Voodoo is delivering. The donuts are good (though I stand by the old-fashioned being the winner), the prices are fair (really, the basic glazed and cakes are only about $1.10), the packaging is cute (I do judge books by their covers, thank you very much) and the line moves fast (even though always present.)

So, yes. Voodoo gets my vote. Go do it. The donuts are good, the vibe is cool, and it's worth it just to say you've tried some of those crazy cakes creations. 

I dunno, maybe I'm a bit of a grouch about trends. Has there been any trend that you knew you would hate... and then ended up loving?



*images original to Aspiring Kennedy

*is it "donut" or "doughnut?" i lean to donut.