I've been really bad at blogging lately,

but it's not because I've gotten sucked into the Target Blackhole

or any of the other traps of spending time in America...


There's been something distracting me lately,

but now I can finally share it here.




I'm proud to announce 


to you.


Erm, sounds great.

but, yeah, what is it?

THE HUNDRED is a weekend in Dallas

this August 8-10 

hosted by Grace, Bridget, Megan and myself

in partnership with Joules & Minnetonka.


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The weekend is for people that are looking to build friendships and skills 

that will translate into a better life offline.


We've worked hard

to find a gorgeous hotel, delicious food, cool speakers

and a lot of time for fun

at the most affordable price we possibly could.


We're so excited about everything that we can hardly stand it.


We hope you join us

and become one in THE HUNDRED.


(Oh, and guess what? The first 20 spots are extra cheap.)




*all image via