Just Start.

Bloggers get a lot of emails from readers. It's great to move beyond the comments field and connect with people. I really like doing it when I have the time! (And thanks for emailing- it's such a nice compliment!)

The email topics can vary, but I think most bloggers would say we get the same repeat of the same subjects. For me, I seem to get requests for London & Paris recommendations, advice for traveling with a baby, questions on how I got my job, and... how to start & build a blog.

This one is hard, because there is no magic recipe for building a successful blog. What is successful anyway? Traffic, sales, brand building? The goals for site growth are so varied, that it makes it impossible to write out a plan that anyone could duplicate for achieving their own dreams. With that said, there are traits that I think all good bloggers do and habits they practice... but there isn't a specific formula. (Though I do like this post and this one.) It's hard to "find your voice" and get your niche. I still struggle with what direction I want to take my site. 

Here's one thing that I do know. Your blog doesn't haven't to- and won't ever be- perfect when you start it. Don't wait around to make the perfect site, because it won't ever happen. Just start where you are now with the resources you have now. You can change and mature your blog or business later, but don't loose today just because you're comparing yourself to those who have been in the game for several years. My first years in blogging looked a lot less fancy, but were so enriching and valuable. 

Beyond just the content, the actual site was very bare bones... and the aesthetic took time to evolve. For example, just look at the various headers I've had on my site. 


You don't need to spend a thousand dollars on a pretty blog to have a popular blog. Learn to build good content first.. the rest will come in time. I promise, no one will ever hold it against you for what your blog once looked like. So stop waiting, and jump in!


*images original to Aspiring Kennedy.

Calligraphy by the gorgeously talented Tara Jones.