Keeping In Cozy


While our house now is only 700 square feet, I can't pretend that we had to adjust that much to European housing standards. Back in Dallas, our little home was only just over 1000 square feet. I guess I've always been a sucker for character over size. It just makes the everyday living so pretty.

Except for when you have guests stay with you. Then life in small surroundings can get... cozy. I asked the always-cool Lesley Weaver to weigh in on how to keep it together while hosting in a small space. After working for years in publishing, she started her own publication, BUNGALOW MAG. Between all of that experience and her current role as Creative Director, she has a lot of cool houses that pull this off well. I've begged her for a few tricks for us to steal for the holiday season.


KEEPING IN COZY: Guest Solutions for Living In 750 SQ Feet and Under

From Leslie:  In my twenties,  I spent a year hopping around different cities on the quest for the perfect job only to return to a plush size pad in Dallas... a 700 square foot apartment. I was quoted in my company bio as being "ready to leave 300 square feet of living." Not entirely the full story, but that year I spent a couple months living on a couch in Los Angeles.

Most of us at some point have slept in difficult situations all in the name of 'togetherness' with family and friends. With the holiday season fast approaching, there are six ways you can make your guests comfortable in a 'space challenged' situation.


OVER ACCOMODATE. Make sure your guest needs are met before they ask. Wi-Fi passwords, extra blankets, towels, toiletries, bottled waters, snacks and outlet access to dock electronics are things most guests will need access to. | Bungalow Suggests: Soft bedding like the Biscayne Coverlet + Shams by Peacock Alley is very welcoming. This Woven Throw by John Robshaw allows for snuggling up at night and giving your guest temperature control. Guest Soaps by Clause Porto are perfect little mini soaps for a short visit.


BE CLUTTER FREE. Create storage solutions for your guest. Allow them to store blankets and bedding in baskets, store luggage in coat closets,  and share a little counter space in the bathroom. The less stuff there is to navigate around the better. | Bungalow Suggests: Console by Blue Dot is perfect for storing dishes and silverware, as well as personal items and sheets. Drop pillows in the modern Basket from Bend and use the Bloak Ladder from Minam to hang extra towels, throws or bedding.


CREATE PERSONAL SPACE. Living rooms can often double as guest rooms. Make a point to be out of the 'guest space' at a reasonable time. A guest doesn't want to ask permission to go to sleep.


USE THE GREAT OUTDOORS. Break up the day and get some fresh air. Grab coffee, go on a walk, see a movie, or visit a museum. | Bungalow Suggests: NY Times 36 Hours from Taschen has ideas for outings in every major city.


CREATE A MOOD: Playing music can set a tone for any gathering. Keep music playing to fill in the moments of silence and entertain when you need to switch out of the host/hostess mode. | bungalow suggests: Carry your music all around the home with a Cone from Aether.


ESCAPE: Everyone needs a little downtime during an extended stay. Give yourself permission to go to your room and take a nap, read a book or just take a break.


What are your tips for creating personal space within small living quarters? We try to sleep in our guest room once ever six months so that we can make sure that everything is up to snuff- temperature, bedding, light coming in from the street, etc. It's amazing what you don't realize about a space until you actually sleep in it!



*image orignal to Aspiring Kennedy