No News Is Good News

I often get comments about how quickly I am on my feet and being productive after having a baby... and I always reply how easy it is to be when you have family in to help out, but to come find me in a few weeks and ask how we are doing.

Well, here we are, a few weeks later. And all I can say is: woof. Life with three is a new level of crazy, and we are peddling fast to catch up. We aren't there yet, and the lines under our eyes are starting to give us away.


After a recent referall to the emergency room, they decided I didn't have a brain tumour, stroke or retinal detachment... just sever sleep deprivation. Ha! It's laughable now, but at the time, we were a bit on edge. (To say the least?) Turns out I need more than five hours a night, and I'm having to let a few balls drop in order to do that.

And the most obvious ball that has dropped? Keeping up with our bedroom. While blogging is typically a highlight of the prettiest parts of our days, I wanted to show a real view of our life with three small kids while both working full-time.


So when people tell me they don't know how I do it all, now you know the truth- I don't! I've just kinda put up the white flag for now on keeping things in order in my room, cooking a few meals a week that double and triple for other lunches & dinners, and saying "no" to extraneous things than I'm usually comfortable with.

Oh... and let's not talk about the laundry room right now.


I'm learning that there really aren't enough hours in the day, and that I've got to use the ones I have wisely. The hours of my waking day are the currency in which I'm living in and I need to make smart transactions.

And so far? Well, we're making it. We're keeping our head above water. We have each other, happy kids, jobs we love, and a God who has given us so much more than we deserve. 

But, yeah, I probably did need that shower this morning more than I'd like to admit.

Thanks for keeping up with our family as we grow and change. It's such a joy to share this with such nice people, and I love having this record of our life here to look back on.


*images original to Aspiring Kennedy