
When I started this blog, Tyler & I were smitten, doe-eyed babies that had a few years of marriage under their belts.

Over the years, we traded those doe-eyes for some eye-bags… along with some really cute kids. We’ve had some glory days and some dark days. We’ve started companies and closed them. We’ve spent our days doing the quiet rhythms of daily life at home together, and magnified moments exploring the world by each other’s sides. We work together and, while we are in no way rich, are absolutely spoiled with getting to share most every day together.

And I’m happy to report, though the past decade has shown us the best and worst parts of each other: we still feel incredibly grateful to the other.


Our Story

For a guy who doesn’t read my blog (seriously!), he sure does get a lot of coverage on it. But what can I say? I can’t help talking about Tyler. Ever since day one, we were both all in. A deep friendship flipped on its head and turned out to be, well, just as good as we could have dreamed it would be.

But you’ll have to read the full story to really get the full picture.

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